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Tag "DateTime" (15)

C#: Get the first and last day of the given date Share on Vkontakte

Gets the first day of the month from the given date.
Gets the last day of month from the given date. ... Reveal Code

C#: Calculate Age Share on Vkontakte

Calculate Age ... Reveal Code

PHP: Get the user's age Share on Vkontakte

Get the user's age by date of birth ... Reveal Code

PHP: Get zodiac sign Share on Vkontakte

Get zodiac sign by birth date ... Reveal Code

PHP: Convert the timestamp to human-readable format Share on Vkontakte

Convert the timestamp to human-readable format like XX minutes ago or XX days ago. Was found here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2915864/php-how-to-find-the-time-elapsed-since-a-date-time ... Reveal Code

Ruby: Hints for work with time in rails Share on Vkontakte

Hints for work with time in rails ... Reveal Code

PHP: Convert the date interval to human-readable format Share on Vkontakte

Convert the date/time interval in human-readable format ... Reveal Code

PHP: Execution time of the script Share on Vkontakte

Execution time of the script. Shows the text like this: "The script has been executed in 0.0090 sec." ... Reveal Code

PHP: Format a date received from MySQL Share on Vkontakte

Format a date/time received from MySQL in a more readable (user-friendly) form. ... Reveal Code

MySQL: The number of records for yesterday Share on Vkontakte

The number of records in the table for yesterday ... Reveal Code

MySQL: The number of records for the current month Share on Vkontakte

The number of records in a table for the current month (from 1st to current day) ... Reveal Code

PHP: Convert a date from SQL to RFC822 format Share on Vkontakte

Convert a date from SQL to RFC822 format. It may be useful for creating RSS-feed. ... Reveal Code