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Tag "URL" (4)

PHP: Determination of the country by IP Share on Vkontakte

Determination of the country by IP using geoplugin.net OR ipinfodb.com. Will return the country code in "Alpha-2 ISO 3166-1" format (a two-char code) ... Reveal Code

htaccess: Rewrite URLs #2 Share on Vkontakte

Rewrite URLs with .htaccess. If you use it then URL like "http://mydomain.com/user.php?show=JohnDoe" will be equivalent to "http://mydomain.com/JohnDoe/". ... Reveal Code

htaccess: Rewrite URLs Share on Vkontakte

Rewrite URLs with .htaccess. If you use it then URL like "http://mydomain.com/user.php?show=JohnDoe" will be equivalent to "http://mydomain.com/user/JohnDoe/". ... Reveal Code

PHP: Make a clickable text Share on Vkontakte

Make a clickable text: replace all the URLs with tag ... Reveal Code

PHP: Custom social sharing URLs Share on Vkontakte

Custom social sharing URLs for the most popular social networks ... Reveal Code