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Tag "Date Routines" (8)

PHP: Get the user's age Share on Vkontakte

Get the user's age by date of birth ... Reveal Code

PHP: Get zodiac sign Share on Vkontakte

Get zodiac sign by birth date ... Reveal Code

PHP: Convert the timestamp to human-readable format Share on Vkontakte

Convert the timestamp to human-readable format like XX minutes ago or XX days ago. Was found here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2915864/php-how-to-find-the-time-elapsed-since-a-date-time ... Reveal Code

PHP: Convert the date interval to human-readable format Share on Vkontakte

Convert the date/time interval in human-readable format ... Reveal Code

PHP: Format a date received from MySQL Share on Vkontakte

Format a date/time received from MySQL in a more readable (user-friendly) form. ... Reveal Code

MySQL: The number of records for yesterday Share on Vkontakte

The number of records in the table for yesterday ... Reveal Code

MySQL: The number of records for the current month Share on Vkontakte

The number of records in a table for the current month (from 1st to current day) ... Reveal Code

PHP: Convert a date from SQL to RFC822 format Share on Vkontakte

Convert a date from SQL to RFC822 format. It may be useful for creating RSS-feed. ... Reveal Code