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Тэг "CSS" (12)

CSS: Sticky footer solution Поделиться Вконтакте

Sticky footer solution by Steve Hatcher ... Показать код

CSS: Centering Percentage Width/Height Elements Поделиться Вконтакте

If you know the exact width/height of an element, you can center it smack dab in the middle of its parent element easily with this classic trick: top and left set to 50% and negative margins half the width and height of the element. That's great if you know the width and height of the element you're trying to center, but what if they are percentages? ... Показать код

CSS: Different links style Поделиться Вконтакте

Different links style depending on the type of these links ... Показать код

jQuery: Growl-like messages Поделиться Вконтакте

Simple Growl-like messages (top-right corner of a page) ... Показать код

CSS: Table borders for ie9 & ie10 Поделиться Вконтакте

fix error with some tables in ie. ... Показать код

CSS: Cross-Browser Inline-Block Поделиться Вконтакте

…for very old browsers. ... Показать код

CSS: Cross-browser transparency Поделиться Вконтакте

Cross-browser transparency. Works equally well in IE, FF, Chrome, Safari and Opera. ... Показать код

CSS: Box shadow Поделиться Вконтакте

Cross-browser CSS box shadow ... Показать код

CSS: Rounded corners Поделиться Вконтакте

Cross-browser CSS rounded corners ... Показать код