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Has joined us: 12th May 2013, 23:22
Last visit: 29th October 2013, 02:51
Profile views: 412

C#: Get the first and last day of the given date Share on Vkontakte

Gets the first day of the month from the given date.
Gets the last day of month from the given date. ... Reveal Code

C#: DeSerialize object to xml file Share on Vkontakte

DeSerialize object to xml file ... Reveal Code

C#: Update record using EF Share on Vkontakte

Update record in database using entity framework ... Reveal Code

C#: Calculate Age Share on Vkontakte

Calculate Age ... Reveal Code

SQL: Select Duplicates Share on Vkontakte

Select Duplicates ... Reveal Code

SQL: Delete N rows from table Share on Vkontakte

Delete N rows from table ... Reveal Code

C#: Create a screenshot Share on Vkontakte

If you want to create a screenshot out of your application, this is the perfect snippet suitable to your needs. ... Reveal Code

C#: Serialize object to xml file Share on Vkontakte

Serialize object to xml file ... Reveal Code

C#: Enterprise Library Database Extensions Share on Vkontakte

Enterprise Library Database Extensions ... Reveal Code